Monday, March 7, 2016

Some changes in the new desktop UI

Hello everyone!

This quick article, which I hope to update regularly, is meant mostly for vets that are used to the old desktop interface.

New desktop interface was unveiled in January 2015. It is based on the same code base as our mobile user interface (UI), so it looked like mobile UI, and some pages, like village resources or village list, were actually using the exact some code.

However, over time, one screen at a time, got updated with desktop-optimized UI.

This blog will document some of this, to help our vets see how the new UI is progressing, especially when their only experience with it, was in January 2015 :)

COMPACT Desktop UI now available! 

You now have an option to turn "Compact UI Display" under settings :

resulting in more old-ui-like display for quick build and quick recruit

New Desktop Village List

Village List got a new, more desktop friendly layout, and all old-UI features, including some new ones

The filter and settings popup allows you to control what you want to see in the village list


  1. Where is the Custom High Lights in the map ?

    1. Click on a village, then click a icon for custom highlights. Let me know if you don't find it

  2. Tags and Filters are a must in the new UI

  3. where is the freeze time table, or countdown located?

  4. You must add in the members list a way to show a players in vacation mode. I hate as an owner not knowing when a players set vacation mode. Right now If I see a player 3 days inactive, I have to try to attack them and if I cannot they are in vacation mode. You have it so we can see with a moon sign that sleep mode is set

  5. fix the lag fix the gifting system and fix the silver from quests

  6. I use both the new and the old versions. When building or sending follow on attacks to Rebs I use the Old and for most other things I use the new. I Love the new Attack animation.
