Saturday, October 2, 2010

Inviting players to realms close to new players

The recent release of Realm 9 and 10 prompted us to close Realm 6, 7 and 8 to new players.

We've also reminded everyone that you can still invite a NEW Realm of Empires player to any of the close realms.

We got a number of questions related to do that so let me take a moment to explain what is the reason behind this, which will helpfully address your questions.

When you invite a new Facebook friend, they automatically start as close to you as possible, in the realm from which you invited them from. Reason being is to allow you to play close with your friends, and make it easier for you to mentor and guide them.

This is why we allow new players to start even in realms close to new players if invited. An existing player already understands the game play does not quality for this offer.

Do you find this 'start close to your friend when invited' a useful feature? Have you taken advantage of this? Would love to hear from you guys!

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